Data Analysis
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Preprocessing data

Subsetting data

Subsetting can be also obtained by the "subset()" function:

  subset(iris, Species == "virginica" & Sepal.Length > 7.65)
##     Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width   Species
## 118          7.7         3.8          6.7         2.2 virginica
## 119          7.7         2.6          6.9         2.3 virginica
## 123          7.7         2.8          6.7         2.0 virginica
## 132          7.9         3.8          6.4         2.0 virginica
## 136          7.7         3.0          6.1         2.3 virginica

Aggregating data

The function "aggregate" computes summary statistics by a factor or variable:

    aggregate(iris[,1:4], list(iris$Species), mean)
##      Group.1 Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width
## 1     setosa        5.006       3.428        1.462       0.246
## 2 versicolor        5.936       2.770        4.260       1.326
## 3  virginica        6.588       2.974        5.552       2.026

Reshaping data

Datasets can be designde in two main forms: long or wide.

Long designs are used to minimize the number of columns. In table with long design, the variables are in a same column and the resulting value is in a column behind. Consider like in this example:

    VAR <- rep(c("A", "B", "C", "D"), each = 2)
    OUT <- rnorm(mean = 10, sd = 1, n = 8)
    data.frame(VAR, OUT)
##   VAR       OUT
## 1   A 10.922711
## 2   A  9.663043
## 3   B  9.947090
## 4   B  8.840834
## 5   C  9.397669
## 6   C  8.944838
## 7   D 11.565463
## 8   D  7.879598

Wide designs are used to minimize the number of rows. In table with wide design, the variables are in independent columns where are listed their resulting values. Consider this example:

    A <- rnorm(mean = 10, sd = 1, n = 2)
    B <- rnorm(mean = 10, sd = 1, n = 2)
    C <- rnorm(mean = 10, sd = 1, n = 2)
    D <- rnorm(mean = 10, sd = 1, n = 2)
    data.frame(A, B, C, D)
##          A        B        C        D
## 1 8.826595 10.47677 10.40452 9.545675
## 2 9.055044 10.24750 11.72397 8.330696

It is often desirable to move from one design to an other. This can be done with the package "reshape":

    DAT <- data.frame(A, B, C, D) # This create a dataframe with wide format.
    melt(DAT)                     # This convert the dataframe in long format.
## Using  as id variables
##   variable     value
## 1        A  8.826595
## 2        A  9.055044
## 3        B 10.476765
## 4        B 10.247503
## 5        C 10.404515
## 6        C 11.723973
## 7        D  9.545675
## 8        D  8.330696

To reconvert the dataset from the long format to the wide format:

    DAT.long <- melt(DAT) # This create a dataframe with a long format.
## Using  as id variables
    cast(DAT.long, formula = variable + value ~ .)  # This convert it back in the wide format
##   variable     value     (all)
## 1        A  8.826595  8.826595
## 2        A  9.055044  9.055044
## 3        B 10.247503 10.247503
## 4        B 10.476765 10.476765
## 5        C 10.404515 10.404515
## 6        C 11.723973 11.723973
## 7        D  8.330696  8.330696
## 8        D  9.545675  9.545675
    #Air quality example
    airquality[1:3, ]
##   Ozone Solar.R Wind Temp Month Day
## 1    41     190  7.4   67     5   1
## 2    36     118  8.0   72     5   2
## 3    12     149 12.6   74     5   3
    names(airquality) <- tolower(names(airquality))
    aqm <- melt(airquality, id=c("month", "day"), na.rm=TRUE)
    aqm[1:3, ]
##   month day variable value
## 1     5   1    ozone    41
## 2     5   2    ozone    36
## 3     5   3    ozone    12
    cast(aqm,  month + day ~ variable, margins = FALSE)[1:3, ]
##   month day ozone solar.r wind temp
## 1     5   1    41     190  7.4   67
## 2     5   2    36     118  8.0   72
## 3     5   3    12     149 12.6   74
    cast(aqm, day ~ month ~ variable)
## , , variable = ozone
##     month
## day    5  6   7   8  9
##   1   41 NA 135  39 96
##   2   36 NA  49   9 78
##   3   12 NA  32  16 73
##   4   18 NA  NA  78 91
##   5   NA NA  64  35 47
##   6   28 NA  40  66 32
##   7   23 29  77 122 20
##   8   19 NA  97  89 23
##   9    8 71  97 110 21
##   10  NA 39  85  NA 24
##   11   7 NA  NA  NA 44
##   12  16 NA  10  44 21
##   13  11 23  27  28 28
##   14  14 NA  NA  65  9
##   15  18 NA   7  NA 13
##   16  14 21  48  22 46
##   17  34 37  35  59 18
##   18   6 20  61  23 13
##   19  30 12  79  31 24
##   20  11 13  63  44 16
##   21   1 NA  16  21 13
##   22  11 NA  NA   9 23
##   23   4 NA  NA  NA 36
##   24  32 NA  80  45  7
##   25  NA NA 108 168 14
##   26  NA NA  20  73 30
##   27  NA NA  52  NA NA
##   28  23 NA  82  76 14
##   29  45 NA  50 118 18
##   30 115 NA  64  84 20
##   31  37 NA  59  85 NA
## , , variable = solar.r
##     month
## day    5   6   7   8   9
##   1  190 286 269  83 167
##   2  118 287 248  24 197
##   3  149 242 236  77 183
##   4  313 186 101  NA 189
##   5   NA 220 175  NA  95
##   6   NA 264 314  NA  92
##   7  299 127 276 255 252
##   8   99 273 267 229 220
##   9   19 291 272 207 230
##   10 194 323 175 222 259
##   11  NA 259 139 137 236
##   12 256 250 264 192 259
##   13 290 148 175 273 238
##   14 274 332 291 157  24
##   15  65 322  48  64 112
##   16 334 191 260  71 237
##   17 307 284 274  51 224
##   18  78  37 285 115  27
##   19 322 120 187 244 238
##   20  44 137 220 190 201
##   21   8 150   7 259 238
##   22 320  59 258  36  14
##   23  25  91 295 255 139
##   24  92 250 294 212  49
##   25  66 135 223 238  20
##   26 266 127  81 215 193
##   27  NA  47  82 153 145
##   28  13  98 213 203 191
##   29 252  31 275 225 131
##   30 223 138 253 237 223
##   31 279  NA 254 188  NA
## , , variable = wind
##     month
## day     5    6    7    8    9
##   1   7.4  8.6  4.1  6.9  6.9
##   2   8.0  9.7  9.2 13.8  5.1
##   3  12.6 16.1  9.2  7.4  2.8
##   4  11.5  9.2 10.9  6.9  4.6
##   5  14.3  8.6  4.6  7.4  7.4
##   6  14.9 14.3 10.9  4.6 15.5
##   7   8.6  9.7  5.1  4.0 10.9
##   8  13.8  6.9  6.3 10.3 10.3
##   9  20.1 13.8  5.7  8.0 10.9
##   10  8.6 11.5  7.4  8.6  9.7
##   11  6.9 10.9  8.6 11.5 14.9
##   12  9.7  9.2 14.3 11.5 15.5
##   13  9.2  8.0 14.9 11.5  6.3
##   14 10.9 13.8 14.9  9.7 10.9
##   15 13.2 11.5 14.3 11.5 11.5
##   16 11.5 14.9  6.9 10.3  6.9
##   17 12.0 20.7 10.3  6.3 13.8
##   18 18.4  9.2  6.3  7.4 10.3
##   19 11.5 11.5  5.1 10.9 10.3
##   20  9.7 10.3 11.5 10.3  8.0
##   21  9.7  6.3  6.9 15.5 12.6
##   22 16.6  1.7  9.7 14.3  9.2
##   23  9.7  4.6 11.5 12.6 10.3
##   24 12.0  6.3  8.6  9.7 10.3
##   25 16.6  8.0  8.0  3.4 16.6
##   26 14.9  8.0  8.6  8.0  6.9
##   27  8.0 10.3 12.0  5.7 13.2
##   28 12.0 11.5  7.4  9.7 14.3
##   29 14.9 14.9  7.4  2.3  8.0
##   30  5.7  8.0  7.4  6.3 11.5
##   31  7.4   NA  9.2  6.3   NA
## , , variable = temp
##     month
## day   5  6  7  8  9
##   1  67 78 84 81 91
##   2  72 74 85 81 92
##   3  74 67 81 82 93
##   4  62 84 84 86 93
##   5  56 85 83 85 87
##   6  66 79 83 87 84
##   7  65 82 88 89 80
##   8  59 87 92 90 78
##   9  61 90 92 90 75
##   10 69 87 89 92 73
##   11 74 93 82 86 81
##   12 69 92 73 86 76
##   13 66 82 81 82 77
##   14 68 80 91 80 71
##   15 58 79 80 79 71
##   16 64 77 81 77 78
##   17 66 72 82 79 67
##   18 57 65 84 76 76
##   19 68 73 87 78 68
##   20 62 76 85 78 82
##   21 59 77 74 77 64
##   22 73 76 81 72 71
##   23 61 76 82 75 81
##   24 61 76 86 79 69
##   25 57 75 85 81 63
##   26 58 78 82 86 70
##   27 57 73 86 88 77
##   28 67 80 88 97 75
##   29 81 77 86 94 76
##   30 79 83 83 96 68
##   31 76 NA 81 94 NA
    cast(aqm, month ~ variable, mean)[1:3, ]
##   month    ozone  solar.r      wind     temp
## 1     5 23.61538 181.2963 11.622581 65.54839
## 2     6 29.44444 190.1667 10.266667 79.10000
## 3     7 59.11538 216.4839  8.941935 83.90323
    cast(aqm, month ~ . | variable, mean)
## $ozone
##   month    (all)
## 1     5 23.61538
## 2     6 29.44444
## 3     7 59.11538
## 4     8 59.96154
## 5     9 31.44828
## $solar.r
##   month    (all)
## 1     5 181.2963
## 2     6 190.1667
## 3     7 216.4839
## 4     8 171.8571
## 5     9 167.4333
## $wind
##   month     (all)
## 1     5 11.622581
## 2     6 10.266667
## 3     7  8.941935
## 4     8  8.793548
## 5     9 10.180000
## $temp
##   month    (all)
## 1     5 65.54839
## 2     6 79.10000
## 3     7 83.90323
## 4     8 83.96774
## 5     9 76.90000
    cast(aqm, month ~ variable, mean, margins=c("grand_row", "grand_col"))
##   month    ozone  solar.r      wind     temp    (all)
## 1     5 23.61538 181.2963 11.622581 65.54839 68.70696
## 2     6 29.44444 190.1667 10.266667 79.10000 87.38384
## 3     7 59.11538 216.4839  8.941935 83.90323 93.49748
## 4     8 59.96154 171.8571  8.793548 83.96774 79.71207
## 5     9 31.44828 167.4333 10.180000 76.90000 71.82689
## 6 (all) 42.12931 185.9315  9.957516 77.88235 80.05722
    cast(aqm, day ~ month, mean, subset=variable=="ozone")
##    day   5   6   7   8   9
## 1    1  41 NaN 135  39  96
## 2    2  36 NaN  49   9  78
## 3    3  12 NaN  32  16  73
## 4    4  18 NaN NaN  78  91
## 5    5 NaN NaN  64  35  47
## 6    6  28 NaN  40  66  32
## 7    7  23  29  77 122  20
## 8    8  19 NaN  97  89  23
## 9    9   8  71  97 110  21
## 10  10 NaN  39  85 NaN  24
## 11  11   7 NaN NaN NaN  44
## 12  12  16 NaN  10  44  21
## 13  13  11  23  27  28  28
## 14  14  14 NaN NaN  65   9
## 15  15  18 NaN   7 NaN  13
## 16  16  14  21  48  22  46
## 17  17  34  37  35  59  18
## 18  18   6  20  61  23  13
## 19  19  30  12  79  31  24
## 20  20  11  13  63  44  16
## 21  21   1 NaN  16  21  13
## 22  22  11 NaN NaN   9  23
## 23  23   4 NaN NaN NaN  36
## 24  24  32 NaN  80  45   7
## 25  25 NaN NaN 108 168  14
## 26  26 NaN NaN  20  73  30
## 27  27 NaN NaN  52 NaN NaN
## 28  28  23 NaN  82  76  14
## 29  29  45 NaN  50 118  18
## 30  30 115 NaN  64  84  20
## 31  31  37 NaN  59  85 NaN
    cast(aqm, month ~ variable, range)
##   month ozone_X1 ozone_X2 solar.r_X1 solar.r_X2 wind_X1 wind_X2 temp_X1
## 1     5        1      115          8        334     5.7    20.1      56
## 2     6       12       71         31        332     1.7    20.7      65
## 3     7        7      135          7        314     4.1    14.9      73
## 4     8        9      168         24        273     2.3    15.5      72
## 5     9        7       96         14        259     2.8    16.6      63
##   temp_X2
## 1      81
## 2      93
## 3      92
## 4      97
## 5      93
    cast(aqm, month ~ variable + result_variable, range)
##   month ozone_X1 ozone_X2 solar.r_X1 solar.r_X2 wind_X1 wind_X2 temp_X1
## 1     5        1      115          8        334     5.7    20.1      56
## 2     6       12       71         31        332     1.7    20.7      65
## 3     7        7      135          7        314     4.1    14.9      73
## 4     8        9      168         24        273     2.3    15.5      72
## 5     9        7       96         14        259     2.8    16.6      63
##   temp_X2
## 1      81
## 2      93
## 3      92
## 4      97
## 5      93
    cast(aqm, variable ~ month ~ result_variable,range)
## , , result_variable = X1
##          month
## variable     5    6    7    8    9
##   ozone    1.0 12.0  7.0  9.0  7.0
##   solar.r  8.0 31.0  7.0 24.0 14.0
##   wind     5.7  1.7  4.1  2.3  2.8
##   temp    56.0 65.0 73.0 72.0 63.0
## , , result_variable = X2
##          month
## variable      5     6     7     8     9
##   ozone   115.0  71.0 135.0 168.0  96.0
##   solar.r 334.0 332.0 314.0 273.0 259.0
##   wind     20.1  20.7  14.9  15.5  16.6
##   temp     81.0  93.0  92.0  97.0  93.0

1 2 3 4 5